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More time and money for business


Through integration, we significantly speed up work and improve efficiency.

Give valuable attention to the business and do not waste time on routine activities that are not necessary.


Investing in systems integration has lasting benefits. Correct and always up-to-date data will guarantee you excellent work with customer potential. The path to them will no longer be long and full of expensive, manual work. By integrating the systems, a lengthy manual update, which can often be error-prone, is eliminated.

What can we do?

Data synchronization

By connecting the CRM with the database, you get current data in real-time. You won't miss a lead or a hot lead. The right data in different tools will guarantee superior customer support.

Lead Management

End of rewriting. Customer data is automatically transferred to all systems. This significantly reduces the risk of human error. Get data directly into your CRM for leads.

Minimizing the routine

With the help of AI, we can leave routine tasks to technology. They themselves create and send out reminders, approval processes with escalation and notification, or incorporate Excel tables.

Customer retention

Marketing does not end with acquiring a customer. We will invent and automate your loyalty programs, notifications at the end of membership or perhaps just birthday or holiday wishes.

Analysis and reporting

Get instant insight into how your campaigns are impacting the customer. Thanks to clear dashboards, we can quickly and cheaply optimize your marketing and content strategies.

A/B testing

Quickly test the effectiveness of your message directly to the customer and thus obtain valuable data for further activities. We will improve e-mail subjects, images, banners, or perhaps pricing policy.


Free hands

Leave routine work on the system. You earn.


No more rewriting. You can control everything easily and quickly.

Time savings

Focus on business development, not tedious clicking.

Data for CRM

Deliver superior data-driven customer support.

The error rate is eliminated

Repairs cost time and money. Avoid them.

Transcription of data

Valuable data in all tools. From CRM to accounting.

Want to learn more about automation?