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The connection between marketing and business


Through automation, we increase marketing performance and significantly reduce the error rate and costs of routine work.

We will help you communicate more effectively with customers, speed up business processes and save work on repetitive tasks. We save time and worry about errors.

We follow the motto:


"The right content, to the right person, at the right time
and through the right communication channel"


Marketing automation tools are good to use if you want more frequent and personalized mailings.

We create several scenarios and distribute the content according to the set lead scoring, which allows you to send people exactly what they are interested in. And get a much better conversion rate.

What can we do?

Lead generation

We automate lead-generation and set up meaningful lead scoring that takes into account customer characteristics and behavior. This allows your sales to focus on real potential and not waste time on dead ends.


We will organize your contacts. We will create functional Customer Relationship Management and implement effective processes and strategies. You will thus have an overview of your customers and know how and at what stage to work with them.

Upsell & Cross-sell

Thanks to properly set automation, we will know to whom and when to sell more and better. Gain satisfied and loyal customers by working with data about their customer behavior.

Customer retention

Marketing does not end with acquiring a customer. We will invent and automate your loyalty programs, notifications at the end of membership, or perhaps just birthday or holiday wishes.

Analysis and reporting

Get instant insight into how your campaigns are impacting the customer. Thanks to clear dashboards, we can quickly and cheaply optimize your marketing and content strategies.

A/B testing

Quickly test the effectiveness of your message directly to the customer and thus obtain valuable data for further activities. We will improve e-mail subjects, images, banners, or perhaps pricing policy.


Customer retention

Create effective loyalty programs and functional upsell and cross-sell.

Sales growth

Powerful and precisely targeted campaigns built on data.

Time savings

Let the system work for you. You save manual work and time.

Overview in the acquired data

Valuable user journey data in one place.

High conversion rate

Automation connected to lead generation leads to sales.


The right content to the right person, at the right time and in an effective way.

Want to learn more about automation?