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rise (2)



of new specialists
rise (2)



Open rate of e-mails
rise (2)



Click rate of e-mails

Recruiting in IT tends to be lengthy and expensive. In 9 months of automated campaigns, we obtained so many potential specialists in the field ready for relocation for so little money that it surprised even the client himself.


Four thousand active job applicants in IT. Thanks to performance marketing and subsequent automation for a few crowns.

Reasunta cleverly connects the global market of IT specialists with projects in the Czech Republic. Casting these projects with high-quality specialists tends to be a long and, above all, expensive process.

We got to meeting and got to the question: "Why not use the top knowledge of automated campaigns directly to the specialists I need?"

We were given the trust, the budget, and the challenge to bring in quality people for as little money as possible. And the result was successful.

"We didn't complicate anything. We gave the guys a budget and info on how much it would cost to get a relevant contact. The return on investment they delivered exceeded our expectations.”
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Jana Hájková
Recruitment & Relocation Manager

Catch the IT guy if you can

In a record time of 14 days, we launched a LeadGeneration campaign built, among other things, on FacebookAds forms, which were suitable for our goal.

"Without lengthy and error-prone manual work, we super-quickly acquired 500 highly relevant users who showed interest in relocating to the Czech Republic. And on top of that another high-quality database of four thousand active, potential applicants."

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Jana Hájková
Recruitment & Relocation Manager

Lead generation - promising start, complicated lead qualification

Thanks to the LeadGeneration campaign, various relevant contacts were literally pouring in on us, and it no longer made sense to select them manually.

This is where automation found it's use:

"The huge added value of automation is that you can work with the database long-term. Thanks to ATMT, we have a database of 4,000+ contacts who have shown interest in moving to the Czech Republic in the future. And we can smartly hit them at the best moment of the decision-making process. Without long manual work and pecking at different systems. Automatically."

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Jana Hájková
Recruitment & Relocation Manager

Open Rate 90% for unconverted contacts

In the marketing automation tool, we still had unconverted contacts from which we wanted to get the most.

We have prepared content for them on social networks and in newsletters. And they started automatically scoring their activity as well. Our considerations and setup resulted in a 90% Open Rate and a 25% Click Rate of further outreach with an automated email that looked like it was from a recruiter.

"To save manual work by reaching out to contacts and have a smart database that we can go back to in a few clicks. A great investment that we will continue to use!”

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Jana Hájková
Recruitment & Relocation Manager

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