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Purchases from email
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Increase retention

1050% more membership from emailing

Introducing the client

In the beginning, the client had a strong base of contacts, but it did not lead to the desired sales goals. At that moment, we offered our strategic power to Form Factory and gave communication a clear, automated plan and thanks to it delivered great results. Read below.


Default status: The numbers from the emails were not very pleasant

When we got to emailing, the numbers weren't great - the open rate at 20k contacts was 20% and below you can see what the templates looked like before and now.

We solved several problems:
  1. Inaccurate DNS settings
  2. The templates were not optimized for mobile devices
  3. Uncommitted database
  4. Segmentation work and customer information were missing
  5. The absence of any marketing automation
  6. Zero segmentation: everything was sent to everyone
  7. After receiving the free entrance fee, the work was entirely on the receptionists - from the first visit to the active sale of the membership
  1. Pay attention to the correct settings of SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and possibly BIMI - everything correctly set will do a lot for you in the final deliverability.
  2. Do you know what percentage of customers open your emails on mobile phones? Focus on optimization.
  3. Work with the database. If a customer hasn't opened 200 emails in 2 years, something will need to change. Reactivate them or delete them.



"If you are not sure that your template is optimized, write us here and we will generate your email for you on most devices for FREE.👇"

👉 Check your DNS settings and aim for SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and possibly BIMI.

👉 Check mobile optimization so you don't miss out on a huge % of recipients.

Are you fumbling? We will be happy to help you. Deliverability will then be significantly better.

Method: We worked out a functional strategy

The client is a joy to work with, has everything well thought out, and knows the customer journey to membership. We quickly got her moving.

👉 Even if your customer journey is complex and the final marketing automation strategy may have several dozen scenarios, start with the strongest only then expand it. You will earn faster and learn from the first data how to build roads efficiently.

ActiveCampaign for fast results

Just as there are a million options to work on in the gym, so is when choosing a tool for a strong campaign.

We chose ActiveCampaign. Thanks to it we can:
“Having a powerful automation tool is nice. But it is essential to get relevant data into it."

Setting up the first scenarios

We went step by step, starting with the simple but most important scenarios first:

This is quite enough for the beginning - later we upgraded everything so that we could upsell clients from monthly memberships to annual memberships and even later started using other scenarios that responded to the frequency of visits to the gym, or then summarized based on how many times you visited the gym, how you used his membership and so on. We then agreed with the client that we would keep some scenarios under wraps.

Regular newsletters and segmentation

Here it was important to divide customers into basic segments based on what language they speak, whether they are members, non-members, or former members.

    • Subsequently, we maintained a communication line of 1-2 NL per month
    • We then interspersed everything with ad-hoc campaigns to increase membership and other upsells.

Before and after

We made full use of data, precise database work, and ActiveCampaign options. We have modified the design of the e-mailing as well as its content. And they got people fit. For free entry and sold memberships. Judge the results for yourself:
A precise strategy of automated communication, building a quality database, and constant work with important data is our standard. And here it bore much fruit:
"The guys from the agency tripled our database with such high-quality contacts that an incredible number of people click through our e-mails. And a lot of new clients are coming. Lucky that we are opening two new gyms!"

Jan Rezek
Marketing manager

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