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Open rate mailing
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Click rate mailing
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higher than average CTR

Toyota is thriving, and so is its digital communication. However, we discovered one brake in marketing. The untapped potential of e-mailing and the Salesforce tool that Toyota uses for mailings. So we approached the client with a performance strategy, revitalized the client's database, and launched another strong sales channel.


Taking over the account was not a piece of cake

"The agency took over the account without any available documentation or further explanation. It was great to see how quickly they were able to get their bearings in such an unreadable structure and prepare the database for growth. Thanks to this, our cooperation is now going as efficiently as possible and we send newsletters as easily as possible."
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marketing communication

A careful start paid off

It pays to take your time when setting up your emailing strategy. Before we started our mailings, we took essential steps for functional emailing, without which there would be no results:


An essential step is to check your e-mail encryption settings, to avoid parking newsletters in spam.

Since the client did not work with the database, it was necessary to step on the gas carefully. Such a strategy is called a warm-up. During this, we carefully monitored indicators such as domain reputation, openness, and bounce rate.

We have optimized the templates for different devices so that there is no loss of performance anywhere.


👉 Don't forget to test your email templates for all devices.

If you are not sure about the responsiveness of your template, write to us at and we will test the template for FREE.

We are sending!

Subsequently, the mailings began. First, it is advisable to target the most engaged customers. But we didn't have such data available, so we bet on customers who said they wanted to be informed about the new Toyota C-HR.

It paid off. Although the segment was very narrow, the OR was 77% and the CTR was over 50%, which helped us in our reputation.


After that, we slowly started sending out to all customers using the warm-up method - if you don't know what a warm-up is, you can take a look at this article.

Personalization and segmentation are thriving

We used everything that the current database allowed us. And we personalized.

  • We segmented customers by zip code and thus personalized emails promoting the Roadshow based on when the Roadshow arrived to our customers.

7x higher CTR than average

Thanks to automation and smart segmentation, we have created a powerful marketing channel from dysfunctional databases. Judge for yourself.

Working with the database pays off.

Want to pump her up too? Let us know!